
Instant Bitcoin payments for global commerce

TurinPay is an easy-to-use payment solution that allows developers, merchants, and users to accept instant Bitcoin payments globally, without fees or borders.
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TurinPay Dashboard
Which user type are you? We got you Covered.
An effective API for integrating bitcoin payments anywhere
The full API solution from TurinPay enables offline and online merchants to accept bitcoin payments in real time and for free forever.
get started
TurinPay dashboard mobile and desktop versions

Advantages of our API solution

Increase Sales
Draw in new customers from the crypto world by accepting payments through the Bitcoin-Lightning Network, an innovative infrastructure designed for instant, low-cost BTC transactions.
No fees or hidden costs
You can now process payments without worrying about the high fees charged by Visa, which can be as much as 3%. By using the Lightning Network, our platform allows businesses to increase their revenue by processing payments faster and at a much lower cost.
Simple integration
Add our payment button via API to your website or e-commerce and start accepting payments instantly. It just works, providing an easy, cheap, and efficient way to send and receive money for everyone, even if you're new to crypto.
Cryptographic Security
Rest assured, we employ state-of-the-art cryptographic techniques, combined with top-tier banking practices, to safeguard your funds.

Developer-ready design 

A robust and easy to use API

Before going live, try out our service in a development environment using TurinWallet through our API. Take the opportunity to test, verify, and request your API key! 

Create payment intents
Test the API and configure it attending your business needs, preventing and blocking bad behaviours.
Add the TurinPay button
Easily incorporate the 'Pay with Turinpay' button into your website and customize it to match your CSS preferences.
Accept and withdraw payments
Receive funds in real time, monitor them, and withdraw them whenever you want to your bitcoin account.

   "input": {    
       "notificationUrl":     "https://merchant/chargeWebhook",        "orderId": "2b4749df-3db9-4744-9e09-68eff244a0dd",
       "currency": "EUR",    
       "price": 60,    
       "description": "description of your product",    
       "initDate": "2022-11-04T12:00:00",  
       "endDate": "2022-11-04T13:00:00",    
       "active": true,  
       "multipleInvoicesAllowed": true,          
       "invoiceExpirationTimeMin": 60,  
       "onlyLN": false

Create payment intents
Test the API and configure it attending your business needs, preventing and blocking bad behaviours.
Integrate turinpay button
Just add the button 'Pay with Turinpay' as you want and as it fits better with your CSS.
Receive money and withdraw
Receive funds in real time, monitor them and withdraw them to your bitcoin account when you want.

        paidText='¡Paid 🚀!'

Turinpay payment button example
TurinPay is built on the future of money
Turinpay is built on Lightning Network, combining the bitcoin infrastructure with the ultrafast payments layer 2.
Up to
1,000x cheaper
In some cases, MasterCard and Visa charge commissions of up to 3%. Bitcoin's Lightning Network, on the other hand, charges as little as 0.0029%, and sometimes none at all.
Safe and secure
The protocol uses onion routing to divide data into packets and sends them through multiple nodes with end-to-end encryption, making transactions more secure and private.
Powered by
The Lightning Network LogoBitcoin logo
The Lightning Network can support 1 million transactions per second in comparison to 7 transactions per second with Bitcoin (on-chain).

Receive payments from any Bitcoin wallet worldwide

Are you a developer?
TurinPay can be used with our own wallet, TurinWallet. After downloading it, enable 'developer mode' and pay your test invoices with faucet bitcoin. You will be surprised at how simple it is to integrate TurinPay into your own website and begin earning new revenue!

Simplifying your payments on the lightning network

Easily create your own personalized link and start receiving money instantly. Whether you're splitting bills with friends or accepting payments from customers, TurinPay.me makes it simple.
Turinpay.me payment profiles
How to start using

Link 1. Sign up on TurinPay.com

Pick a convenient email address and complete the short KYC process.

Person 2. Create a public payment profile

After registration. Log in to TurinPay and select the "TurinPay.me" tab to personalize your profile.

Share 3. Share your link easily

Share your personalized link with anyone. On a business card, in an email, on social media, or via text messages. You name it!

Bolt 4. Get paid right away

Friends, family, or customers can click the link, enter any amount, and that's all there is to it. The funds are usually available on your dashboard in an instant.

Sign Up today
Discover the Unparalleled Advantages
TurinPay.me is the clear winner across seven critical areas. With zero transaction fees, instant cross-border payments, seamless Bitcoin integration, full transparency, availability in all countries, decentralization, and zero currency conversion fees, TurinPay.me excels in providing a superior payment experience. Our commitment to innovation and user satisfaction ensures that you can confidently choose TurinPay.me as your go-to payment solution.
TurinPay.me compared to other services like Western Union, PayPal. traditional banks and neobanks.

Ready to start? Set up your profile today.

Why should I use TurinPay.me?
Easy does it
It offers the ultimate simplicity in payments - just share your link and get paid effortlessly. Say goodbye to complicated payment processes and hello to an easy payment experience.
For anyone
It’s the perfect payment solution for everyone - whether you're a business, a freelancer, or an individual. No more writing checks or setting up complicated bank transfers - simply share your link and get paid instantly
Safer for you and your business
Our technology uses a technique called onion routing, which breaks up your payment data into smaller, more secure packets that are sent through our network of nodes. This means that your transactions are more private and secure than ever before.
No fees or hidden costs
You can enjoy instant transactions with incredibly low fees or none. Thanks to the Lightning Network, you can say goodbye to expensive transaction fees and slow payment processing times.

Accelerate Your Growth with Turinpay.me

sign up for free

A Lightning Network wallet for you payments

Looking for a Bitcoin Wallet?
With TurinWallet, you can effortlessly send and receive bitcoin. Say goodbye to complicated processes and embrace a user-friendly interface designed for everyone, regardless of your knowledge on the crypto space. Experience the convenience of paying your invoices in BTC while enjoying the stability of bitcoin within TurinWallet.
TurinPay for Wordpress and Woocommerce logo.

The ultrafast Bitcoin payments plugin for Woocommerce

TurinPay is a ecommerce plugin to let merchants to receive bitcoin payments in real time, and free, forever.
Turinpay for Woocommerce illustrative image

What's the plugin all about?

TurinPay is a merchant-focused product that enables any Woocommerce shop to boost sales by accepting instant payments through the Bitcoin-Lightning Network. With a simple integration and an always-free model for the merchant, you can connect with consumers from anywhere in the world. No waiting times, no borders, and no fees,It just works. Providing a cheap, functional, and efficient way to send and receive money, even if you're new to the world of crypto.

Why use the plugin?

Increase Sales
Draw in new customers from the crypto space by accepting payments through the Bitcoin-Lightning Network, an innovative infrastructure designed for instant, low-cost BTC transactions.
No fees or hidden costs
You can now process payments without worrying about the high fees charged by Visa, which can be as high as 3%. By using the Lightning Network, our plugin allows businesses to increase their revenue by processing payments faster and at a much lower cost.
Simple integration
Simply download the plugin for your e-commerce store directly through the wordpress.org plugin directory. Our solution is both simple and effective, providing a cheap, functional, and efficient way to accept payments. 
Safer for you and your business
Our technology uses a technique called onion routing, which breaks up your payment data into smaller, more secure packets that are sent through our network of nodes. This means that your transactions are more private and secure than ever before.

How to easily install and configure our plugin

This quick guide will walk you through the simple process of installing and configuring TurinPay on your WordPress site. Merchants all over the world can now accept Bitcoin payments thanks to our plugin, which uses The Lightning Network for effective instant and no-fee payments. You'll understand how to do it by the end of the video.

Give it a test ride
  1. Download TurinWallet for either Google Play or Apple Store onto your smartphone
  2. Click 'Test Plugin' to go to the demo store
  3. Browse the items in the store and select the one you want to purchase
  4. At checkout, choose the "TurinPay" option.
  5. Open TurinWallet's settings and switch on "Developer mode."
  6. Click on the flask icon located in the upper right corner of the app and scan the QR code.

Built for

Fuel the next level of your business success!

Download it free

Get TurinWallet, your first Lightning Wallet

Looking for a Bitcoin Wallet?
With TurinWallet, you can effortlessly send and receive bitcoin. Say goodbye to complicated processes and embrace a user-friendly interface designed for everyone, regardless of your knowledge on the crypto space. Experience the convenience of paying your invoices in BTC while enjoying the stability of bitcoin within TurinWallet.